Showing posts from 2021Show all

House Training

Although it seems very cruel to expect an animal too, “hold it”, where humans can just look for a toilet, it will help the animal to intro…

Training Your Dog

Training basics require the owner or potential owner to understand the pet in order to come up with suitable solutions that will help creat…

The Trouble With Not Training Your Dog

In order to be able to enjoy a good and unstrained connection between dog and owner, there have to be some training sessions conducted. Th…

Make Sure To Use Rewards And Not Punishment

Research has proven, in many areas of a dog responsive behavior, that rewarding the dog is far more productive than punishing it. This is …

Moving On To More Advanced Commands

Once a dog has successfully learned all the basic commands, there may be an interest on the part of the owner to venture further into some…

Start With Easy Commands

Teaching a dog to respond to certain commands in a very specific way requires communicating with the animal on a level that can easily be …

What Equipment Do You Need

Before deciding on what equipment to use to train the dog, the owner must first identify the purpose of the training and the end goal desi…

Training Basics

There are many aspects to look into when trying to train a pet and the following are some of the areas to consider and how to go about doi…

How to Train your Cat

The cat is a very independent animal, and many cat owners will tell you that it is this independence that makes the cat such a comfortable …

Know-How To Administer Discipline Correctly

Understanding the basic concept, that it may be rather hard to administer discipline on a cat, is very important. This is to ensure the own…

Learning About Resources And How To Use Them

Learning to outsmart the cat is the way to go about when it comes to using the resources available. Any other way could prove to be both …

Litter Box Training

Litter box training does not have to be a stressful and tedious affair. With the proper motivation, the cat will more than willingly use …

Keeping Kitty Safe

There are a lot of measures that can be taken to keep a kitty safe. Most of these measures are very easy to enforce, while others may take …

Understand Your Cat

Cats are very sensitive animals, thus their forms of communication may not necessarily take on the actual vocal meows to make themselves …

The Issues With Not Training Your Cat

The consequences of not training a cat can be very damaging both to the cat and to the owner. Without some level of control, a cat is not a…

Training For Biting And Scratching

A cat’s normal reaction to anything that is causing it discomfort is to bite or scratch. Therefore, locating the reason for this reaction w…

Cat Training Basics

When it involves cat training techniques, some feline-based systems are recommended for more action-proven results. The positive reinforcem…

Rabbit Care and Tips

Pets complete a home for single people and families. Children often desire pets more than adults do as they think animals are cute and fun …

Picking The Right Food For Your Pet

Pets are wonderful creatures to share our lives with, and they need just as much care as humans. All pets need to be fed properly, though …

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