Teaching a dog to respond to certain commands in a very specific way requires communicating with the animal on a level that can easily be understood. The dog’s response to the commands will indicate the understanding of the command given and if the desired outcome is evident then the command is considered understood. Therefore, the owner should ideally take the time to identify a few simple commands and put them into practice in a simple and nonthreatening way.
Start Small
The following are some of the more popular commands that most dogs can relate to:
• Come – this is probably the most important command that should be taught to the animal as soon as possible. This is important in portraying to the dog, who is in control, and training the dog until an immediate response is received to the command will be needed.
• Sit – this is another command that is popularly taught to the dog as it enables the owner to get the dog to focus and be still. Whenever the dog gets too excitable, this command is usually issued to quiet the animal and create a sense of calm. This command is also used when there is a need to stop the dog from moving around and is especially useful for mealtimes. Training the dog to sit and wait to be served its meal is a popular reason for this command.
• Stay – this command is usually given when there is a need to immobilize the dog immediately with any physical intervention. It is usually issued to keep the dog from causing a stir or becoming a nuisance to others around. However, this is not really an easy command to get the dog to participate in as dogs are generally very curious and friendly animals, and restraining them can be a task.