Domestic cat breeds

 Do you always want to raise a cat?

cat twins

 But have heard that some breeds domesticate better than others? Perhaps you've always wanted a cat, but don't know anything about them? There are lots of ways to learn about cats and what breeds fit your personality. The choice can come from having an indoor, outdoor or indoor and outdoor cat. Hard and smart survive outside the door. Small cats often pray for birds and other wildlife and should be kept indoors. Tomatoes, a mixed breed, are great at surviving outdoors and moose. So let us look at some breeds of cats and then you will be able to choose which may be right for your lifestyle.

Here I discuss about

  • Siamese
  • Persian
  • Manx


cute cat

A Siamese cat is a playful creature. They often require a lot of attention when they determine this. They meow a little and can tear down a house if left alone for too long. These are the downside. Siamese are great pets, especially when raised since childhood. They are often white with brown ears and blue eyes. Can you identify them with Lady and Trump? They were both a little mean and not of a typical country character. They are usually very affectionate in Siamese. They are also the most intelligent of the cat species. They are very social, which is why they do meow or "talk" a lot. An allusion to meditation is usually a very vocal tone such as crying to a child. Politics generally bond very strongly to a person and are territorial to that person.


white cat

 The Persian cat breed is one of the oldest cats around. They are long-time cats with beautiful shiny coats. They are very soft and friendly; However, they suffer from health problems such as allergies. Persian does not always play like other breeds, but they enjoy a bit of exercise especially in a social situation. They love to play with other cats around and also have a lap available when they need a lap. There are a variety of Persian solid black, white or white color mixtures and browns around the face. One is the popular Persian Himalayas.


 The Manx is known for its stubby tail or having no tail. The downside to Manx cats is the lack of tail. Often a Manx can suffer from worms and other parasites due to improper cleaning and not having the protection of a tail. This does not mean you should discount the Manx as a breed. The Manx breed is extremely intelligent and playful. They are a lot like dogs in the play area because they can fetch when you throw toys and bring them back to you. They are very social animals and depend on human care. They don’t like to be left alone for too long, so it is wise to have other cats to play with when you are gone during the day. The best home for a Manx is one filled with children.

These are just three of the more popular breeds of cats. There are over a dozen cat breeds to choose from and finding the one to fit your lifestyle is important. Cats are very social and intelligent, but some breeds can be loners. Most often, a cat chooses when the time is right and what type of attention they want at the time. The phrase “you do not own a cat it owns you” is very true.

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