In order to be able to enjoy a good and unstrained connection between dog and owner, there have to be some training sessions conducted. There are several reasons why dog training is important and actually an essential part of having a dog as a pet.
Why Training Is Important The following are some of the reasons why it is necessary to have training sessions:
• A dog that misbehaves can not only be an embarrassment to the owner but can also end up being a very dangerous element to contend with. Untrained dogs will not easily respond to commands making them a menace and a nuisance. If the owner is unable to keep the dog under control, especially when there are children involved in the equation, the eventual outcome of everyday existence within the unit can be unpredictable and dangerous.
• An untrained dog can also be a menace to others around. This type of dog will not be able to differentiate between right and wrong, thus contributing to upsetting behavioral patterns such as digging up the garden, encroaching into the neighboring areas, stealing things and chewing on them, or playing with them causing damage to the items, running around madly and causing chaos, and much another destructive behavior pattern which is equally upsetting.
• Due to such unacceptable behaviors, the dog may eventually have to be constantly restrained or housebound, as this would seem like a better option than allowing it to roam about and cause problems for the owner. This of course is not an ideal situation, as this will also not benefit either party and might even cause the dog stress due to the loss of freedom.